Registro Unico Nazionale Enti Terzo Settore


SEDE LAR v.le Giulio Cesare 78, dal lunedì al venerdì ore 10-13, martedì e venerdì ore 16-19. Per contatti chiamare il numero 3519865122 (anche su what'sapp).
SEDE UPS Via Flavio Stilicone 41, dal lunedì al venerdì ore 10.00/13.00 e 16.00/19.00; tel. 0699702866.


Project presentation to LAR members 19 june 2023

In the initial stages of the project, we organised several occasions to inform and involve students, teachers and volunteers on the project objectives. In our vision, learning is a crucial element of well-being, especially in adulthood and advanced age, helping people to connect to a complex and intercultural society, to the environment and with themselves. The project intends to spread this reasoning among our members/students and find together new ways to implement it in their daily lives. 
The aim is to make those who attend our activities more aware of the power of informal and non-formal learning: learning through a course, a seminar, a trip is not only about acquiring new knowledge but also motivational and personal growth tools that can then be 'spent' in everyday life. The 'effort' is thus transformed into the pleasure of learning to learn, more aware of how to use the knowledge acquired also independently. Not least, the possibility of developing a common basis for lasting transnational cooperation capable of bringing the European dimension to the local level.

incontro di presentazione del progetto ai soci LAR 19-6-2023 (14)   incontro di presentazione del progetto ai soci LAR 19-6-2023 (28)  incontro di presentazione del progetto ai soci LAR 19-6-2023 (10)

LAR associative educational journey in Val D'Aosta, Fenis 9-16 July 2023 

We always organise a travel to the mountains in July for our community of members, students and teachers: it’s an opportunity to get together, learn new things, share experiences. This was also an important moment to engage some of our members on the main focuses of the L&L project, also with a view to consolidating the target group.
The teachers and project coordinator worked daily with the learners participating in the educational journey on the awareness of the value of learning in every context of life as a motivational tool for personal growth to be used in everyday life. Special emphasis was also placed on learning digital technologies that are functional for travelling and the value of a deeper knowledge of cultural aspects of places other than our own. 

WhatsApp Image 2023-07-15 at 11.56.08   WhatsApp Image 2023-07-09 at 17.57.30 (1)

Trois couleurs: Rouge by Krzysztof Kieślowsk at the Farnese Cinema in Rome, 15 November 2023 

Knowing the culture of our partners: the L&L project includes among its objectives the inclusion of selected target groups through the implementation of accessible and attractive activities in order to develop a common basis for lasting and diversified transnational cooperation between the partners. It is very important to deepen our knowledge of each other's cultures.
In Rome, we had the opportunity to see Film Rosso by the famous Polish director Krzysztof Kieślowski together in a review held at the Cinema Farnese, with a lectio magistralis by Professor Giuseppe Di Giacomo, philosopher and essayist.


Polish Ethnographic Museum visiting dicember 2023 

While implementing our local educational programme, we  gave  some thought to the issue of the value and meaning of everyday life  and everyday  items.  We went to the Ethnographic Museum to see how these problems were treated in the past in rural areas. Afterwards, we had a very interesting discussion which was concluded by an observation that nowadays, everyday life  and everyday  items are underestimated  and this badly affects our wellbeing.


Conference at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Rome
by Dr. Francesca Ceci on 11 January 2024  

On the traces of Polish History in Rome: always in order to develop a common basis for transnational cooperation between the partners through the inclusion of selected target groups, we participated at the Library and Study Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Rome in an in-depth conference on the life of the Sobieski royal family in our city. It was very interesting to understand how our cultures have intersected over time, with the compelling narration by Dr Francesca Ceci of the Capitoline Museums.



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